16 November 2005

me and chuck

me and Chuck Brown at Zengo discussing the finer points of go-go.

10 November 2005

Fake Tits

i just sat a table this evening with 3 girls that all had fake breasts. i've never even met a girl before with fake breasts let alone talked to them or poked them. it was a sort of cultural exchange i told them after they said about 5 times throughout the evening that i must hate them or think they are nuts. i was totally engaged in questioning them about their experiences under the knife and throughout their 5 laser treatments to become hairless creatures and their typical day of downing "energy pills" to keep them going through their 16 hour a day sales jobs. so i don't know what prompted them to continually feel the need to apologize for themselves around me. To me it was intriguing like a anthropological study.

this is Phoenix apparently.

two guys who eventually got enough balls to approach the table of 4 Dcups and 1 B, (only 2 of which were real), found out that I was from out of town and let out a relieved cry of "oh and east coaster! where are you from?" i responded with "DC and by the way these are real." The girls couldn't get enough of my "quickness" as they referred to it. They told me that 90% of their friends have fake tits and they have referred 16 girls to their surgeon. the guys told me that in the past 5 years phoenix has totally changed with the "LA influence" and become very plastic. They have to go at least 45 minutes outside the city to find "normal" girls. One said that within the first 90 seconds of conversation most women manage to hone in on your financial history. One girl he said he dated a few times texted him for the spelling of his middle name. Confused about the motive, he called to clarify. Only to find out from his buddies that it is very common for women to run credit checks on their dates.

I don't want to generalize about all of phoenix but there is definitely a contingency of plasticos in Scottsdale aka Snottsdale. i mean they valet park their lamborghinis in the suburban strip malls.

i just don't get it.

09 November 2005

Alley 9th and O

in the alley outside OneWorld Studios

08 November 2005


this is the worst blog ever. im considering just posting pictures.